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Sanctions List Search

Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list ("SDN List") and all other sanctions lists administered by OFAC, including the Foreign Sanctions Evaders List, the Non-SDN Iran Sanctions Act List, the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List, the List of Foreign Financial Institutions Subject to Correspondent Account or Payable-Through Account Sanctions and the Non-SDN Palestinian Legislative Council List. Given the number of lists that now reside in the Sanctions List Search tool, it is strongly recommended that users pay close attention to the program codes associated with each returned record. These program codes indicate how a true hit on a returned value should be treated. The Sanctions List Search tool uses approximate string matching to identify possible matches between word or character strings as entered into Sanctions List Search, and any name or name component as it appears on the SDN List and/or the various other sanctions lists. Sanctions List Search has a slider-bar that may be used to set a threshold (i.e., a confidence rating) for the closeness of any potential match returned as a result of a user's search. Sanctions List Search will detect certain misspellings or other incorrectly entered text, and will return near, or proximate, matches, based on the confidence rating set by the user via the slider-bar. OFAC does not provide recommendations with regard to the appropriateness of any specific confidence rating. Sanctions List Search is one tool offered to assist users in utilizing the SDN List and/or the various other sanctions lists; use of Sanctions List Search is not a substitute for undertaking appropriate due diligence. The use of Sanctions List Search does not limit any criminal or civil liability for any act undertaken as a result of, or in reliance on, such use.
Download the SDN List Sanctions List Search: Rules for use Visit The OFAC Website
Download the Consolidated Non-SDN List Program Code Key
Type: Entity List: SDN
Entity Name: TORNADO CASH Program: CYBER2; DPRK3

TypeID#CountryIssue DateExpire Date
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x12D66f87A04A9E220743712cE6d9bB1B5616B8Fc   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x47CE0C6eD5B0Ce3d3A51fdb1C52DC66a7c3c2936   
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Digital Currency Address - ETH0xA160cdAB225685dA1d56aa342Ad8841c3b53f291   
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Digital Currency Address - ETH0x610B717796ad172B316836AC95a2ffad065CeaB4   
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Digital Currency Address - ETH0x0E3A09dDA6B20aFbB34aC7cD4A6881493f3E7bf7   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x76D85B4C0Fc497EeCc38902397aC608000A06607   
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Digital Currency Address - ETH0xD5d6f8D9e784d0e26222ad3834500801a68D027D   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x407CcEeaA7c95d2FE2250Bf9F2c105aA7AAFB512   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x833481186f16Cece3f1Eeea1a694c42034c3a0dB   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xd8D7DE3349ccaA0Fde6298fe6D7b7d0d34586193   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x8281Aa6795aDE17C8973e1aedcA380258Bc124F9   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x57b2B8c82F065de8Ef5573f9730fC1449B403C9f   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x05E0b5B40B7b66098C2161A5EE11C5740A3A7C45   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x23173fE8b96A4Ad8d2E17fB83EA5dcccdCa1Ae52   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x538Ab61E8A9fc1b2f93b3dd9011d662d89bE6FE6   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x94Be88213a387E992Dd87DE56950a9aef34b9448   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x242654336ca2205714071898f67E254EB49ACdCe   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x776198CCF446DFa168347089d7338879273172cF   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xeDC5d01286f99A066559F60a585406f3878a033e   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xD692Fd2D0b2Fbd2e52CFa5B5b9424bC981C30696   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xca0840578f57fe71599d29375e16783424023357   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xDF3A408c53E5078af6e8fb2A85088D46Ee09A61b   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x743494b60097A2230018079c02fe21a7B687EAA5   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x94C92F096437ab9958fC0A37F09348f30389Ae79   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x5efda50f22d34F262c29268506C5Fa42cB56A1Ce   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x2f50508a8a3d323b91336fa3ea6ae50e55f32185   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xCEe71753C9820f063b38FDbE4cFDAf1d3D928A80   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xffbac21a641dcfe4552920138d90f3638b3c9fba   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x179f48c78f57a3a78f0608cc9197b8972921d1d2   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xb04E030140b30C27bcdfaafFFA98C57d80eDa7B4   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x77777feddddffc19ff86db637967013e6c6a116c   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x3efa30704d2b8bbac821307230376556cf8cc39e   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x746aebc06d2ae31b71ac51429a19d54e797878e9   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xd90e2f925DA726b50C4Ed8D0Fb90Ad053324F31b   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x5f6c97C6AD7bdd0AE7E0Dd4ca33A4ED3fDabD4D7   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xf4B067dD14e95Bab89Be928c07Cb22E3c94E0DAA   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x58E8dCC13BE9780fC42E8723D8EaD4CF46943dF2   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x01e2919679362dFBC9ee1644Ba9C6da6D6245BB1   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x2FC93484614a34f26F7970CBB94615bA109BB4bf   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x26903a5a198D571422b2b4EA08b56a37cbD68c89   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xB20c66C4DE72433F3cE747b58B86830c459CA911   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x2573BAc39EBe2901B4389CD468F2872cF7767FAF   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x527653eA119F3E6a1F5BD18fbF4714081D7B31ce   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x653477c392c16b0765603074f157314Cc4f40c32   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x88fd245fEdeC4A936e700f9173454D1931B4C307   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x09193888b3f38C82dEdfda55259A82C0E7De875E   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x5cab7692D4E94096462119ab7bF57319726Eed2A   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x756C4628E57F7e7f8a459EC2752968360Cf4D1AA   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x722122dF12D4e14e13Ac3b6895a86e84145b6967   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x94A1B5CdB22c43faab4AbEb5c74999895464Ddaf   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xb541fc07bC7619fD4062A54d96268525cBC6FfEF   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xD82ed8786D7c69DC7e052F7A542AB047971E73d2   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xF67721A2D8F736E75a49FdD7FAd2e31D8676542a   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x9AD122c22B14202B4490eDAf288FDb3C7cb3ff5E   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xD691F27f38B395864Ea86CfC7253969B409c362d   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xaEaaC358560e11f52454D997AAFF2c5731B6f8a6   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x1356c899D8C9467C7f71C195612F8A395aBf2f0a   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xA60C772958a3eD56c1F15dD055bA37AC8e523a0D   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xBA214C1c1928a32Bffe790263E38B4Af9bFCD659   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xb1C8094B234DcE6e03f10a5b673c1d8C69739A00   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0xF60dD140cFf0706bAE9Cd734Ac3ae76AD9eBC32A   
Digital Currency Address - ETH0x8589427373D6D84E98730D7795D8f6f8731FDA16   
Secondary sanctions risk:North Korea Sanctions Regulations, sections 510.201 and 510.210   
Transactions Prohibited For Persons Owned or Controlled By U.S. Financial Institutions:North Korea Sanctions Regulations section 510.214   
Organization Established Date2019   

SDN List last updated on: 10/23/2024 10:09:58 AM
Non-SDN List last updated on: 9/30/2024 11:33:53 AM