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Sanctions List Search

Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list ("SDN List") and all other sanctions lists administered by OFAC, including the Foreign Sanctions Evaders List, the Non-SDN Iran Sanctions Act List, the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List, the List of Foreign Financial Institutions Subject to Correspondent Account or Payable-Through Account Sanctions and the Non-SDN Palestinian Legislative Council List. Given the number of lists that now reside in the Sanctions List Search tool, it is strongly recommended that users pay close attention to the program codes associated with each returned record. These program codes indicate how a true hit on a returned value should be treated. The Sanctions List Search tool uses approximate string matching to identify possible matches between word or character strings as entered into Sanctions List Search, and any name or name component as it appears on the SDN List and/or the various other sanctions lists. Sanctions List Search has a slider-bar that may be used to set a threshold (i.e., a confidence rating) for the closeness of any potential match returned as a result of a user's search. Sanctions List Search will detect certain misspellings or other incorrectly entered text, and will return near, or proximate, matches, based on the confidence rating set by the user via the slider-bar. OFAC does not provide recommendations with regard to the appropriateness of any specific confidence rating. Sanctions List Search is one tool offered to assist users in utilizing the SDN List and/or the various other sanctions lists; use of Sanctions List Search is not a substitute for undertaking appropriate due diligence. The use of Sanctions List Search does not limit any criminal or civil liability for any act undertaken as a result of, or in reliance on, such use.
Download the SDN List Sanctions List Search: Rules for use Visit The OFAC Website
Download the Consolidated Non-SDN List Program Code Key
Type: Entity List: SDN
Entity Name: BLENDER.IO Program: CYBER2

TypeID#CountryIssue DateExpire Date
Organization Established Date2017   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3K35dyL85fR9ht7UgzPfd1gLRRXQtNTqE3   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3Q5dGfLKkWqWSwYtbMUyc8xGjN5LrRviK4   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3EPqGUw2q89pwPZ1UF8FJspE2AyojSTjdu   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3LhnVMcBq4gsR7aDaRr9XmUo17CuYBV4FN   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3F6bbvS1krsc1qR8FsbTDfYQyvkMm3QvmR   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3JHMz3mTna1gVCZSPp8NgRFiY7phkv5mA8   
Digital Currency Address - XBT32DaxSzUhLBHY2WGSWQYiBSHnRsfQZrrRp   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3MTRvM5QrYZHKo8gh5qKcrPK3RLjxcDCZE   
Digital Currency Address - XBT34pFGsSYbWEritXncW9unZtQQE9dKSvKku   
Digital Currency Address - XBT38ncxqt932N9CcfNfYuHGZgCyR85hDkWBW   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3F6bbvS1krsc1qR8FsbTDfYQyvkMm3QvmR   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3MD3riFB6U8PykypF6qkvSj8R2SGdUDPn3   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3JUwAS7seL3fh5hxWh9fu3HCiEzjuQLTfg   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3EUjqe9UpmyXCFd6jeu69hoTzndMRfxw9M   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3QEjBiPzw6WZUL4MYMmMU6DY1Y25aVbpQu   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3N3YSDvp4cbhEgNGabQxTN39kEzJmwG8Ah   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3J19qffPT6mxQUcV6k5yVURGZtdhpdGr4y   
Digital Currency Address - XBT33KKjn4exdBJQkTtdWxqpdVsWxrw3LareG   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3GSXNXzyCDoQ1Rhsc7F1jjjFe7DGcHHdcM   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3QJyT8nThEQakbfqgX86YjCK1Sp9hfNCUW   
Digital Currency Address - XBT35hh9dg3wSvUJz9vFk1FsezLE5Fx3Hudk2   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3NDzzVxiLBUs1WPvVGRfCYDTAD2Ua2PvW4   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3DCCgmyKozcZkFBzYb1A2x8abZCpAUTPPk   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3MvQ4gThF4mmuo49p4dBNchcmFHBRZnYfx   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3FBgeJdhiBe22UoSpp51Vd8dPHVa2A4wZX   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3HQDRyzwm82MFmLWtmyikDM9JQEtVT6vAp   
Digital Currency Address - XBT31t4nEpcwyQJT1VuXdAoQZTT5givRDPsNP   
Digital Currency Address - XBT39AALn7eTjdPzLb99hHhD6F7J8QWB3R2Rd   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3LDbNuDkKmLae5r3a5icPA5CQg2Y8F7ogW   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3JLyyLbwciWAC6re87D7mRknXakR4YbnUd   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3ANWhUnHujdwbw2jEuGSRH6bvFsD9BqEy9   
Digital Currency Address - XBT32fbAZMTaQxNd2fAue1PgsiPgWfcsHBQQt   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3HupEUfKmMhvhXqf8TMoPAyqDcRC1kpe65   
Digital Currency Address - XBT34kEYgpijvCmjvahRXXQEnBH76UGJVx2wg   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3GYbbYkvqvjF5oYhaKCgQYCvcVE1JENk6J   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3BazbaTP8ELJUEfPBV9z5HXEdgBziV9p7W   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3GMfGEDYMTq9G8dEHet1zLtUFJwYwSNa3Y   
Digital Currency Address - XBT38LjCapRrJEW7w2zwbyS15P9D9UGPjWS44   
Digital Currency Address - XBT36XqYWGvUQwBrYLRVuegN4pJJJSPWL1WEu   
Digital Currency Address - XBT37g6WgqedzZx6nx51tYgssNG8Hnknyj5nL   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3QAdoc1rDCt8dii1GVPJXvvK6CEJLzCRZw   
Digital Currency Address - XBT32PsiT8itBrEF84ebdaF82yBUEcz5Wc6uY   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3B4G1M8eF3cThbeMwhEWkKzczw9QoNTGak   
Digital Currency Address - XBT34ETiHfQWEYFCCaXmEeQWVmhFH5vz2JMvd   
Digital Currency Address - XBT3PyzSbFj3hbQQjTzDzyLSgvFVDjB7yw4Cj   
Digital Currency Address - XBT15PggTG7YhJKiE6B16vkKzA1YDTZipXEX4   
Secondary sanctions risk:Ukraine-/Russia-Related Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR 589.201   
Email Addressblender.io@tuta.io   
Email Addressadblenderio@tuta.io   


SDN List last updated on: 7/25/2024 2:00:56 PM
Non-SDN List last updated on: 7/3/2024 9:54:13 AM